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Sunday, 19 April 2015

KUCCPS 2014 KCSE Candidates First Revision Now Open-What Now??

kuccps degree programmes placement
kuccps universities placement

The KUCCPS ( Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Services) is now open for online application.

KUCCPS Courses
The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Services(KUCCPS) main function is to co-ordinate placement of regular students(government sponsored students) to universities and colleges.  With this board, a candidate can acquire placement at the KMTC(Kenya Medical Training College), TVETS among other institutions

Cut Off For KUCCPS Cluster Points
The Placement Service Board for KUCCPS  set  the cut-off point for 2014 KCSE candidates’ placement to degree programmes at B(60 points) for male candidates while the female candidates a B-(58 cluster points .  All 2014 KCSE candidates with a score of C-(minus) and above ,who will have not meet the requirements for a degree admission, will have an option to apply for a regular government sponsored diploma programmes.

KUCCPS 2015 Intake Application  Dates and Deadline
KUCCPS online application system will be open for first revision (Degree and diploma programmes)2015/2016 placement on April 20th 2015 and close on May 4th 2015.

KUCCPS Cluster Points 2015-How to calculate?
Perhaps you’re wondering how to calculate KUCCPS cluster point, It’s a no brainer !  There’s no need to crack your brain hard to calculate your weighted cluster points. This cluster points for each subject groupings usually vary each year and KUCCPS will usually provide details as pertains  the cluster points calculation.
For a full detailed post on how to calculate Kuccps cluster points, I would refer you here: how to calculate kuccps cluster points 2015,basic aggregate points,weighted cluster points

KUCCPS Application Procedure
How to I apply for KUCCPS 2015 placement?  If you’re wondering how, this detailed post has been

put together for you :  online application procedure of KUCCPS 2015 placement
KUCCPS Admission list
Usually after successful application following the above application, kuccps admission list will be available online. You can always use the list to check whether your application went through.  For those who were not successful during the first time application, a second kuccps revision is always offered. This second chance usually marks the final trial after which you shall consider yourself unsuccessful.

KUCCPS Admission Enquiry
KUCCPS has stated on their website that they will be sending their officials to the below list of universities and colleges between Monday, 20thApril, 2015- Saturday, 25th April 2015.  The main reason of sending these KUCCPS officials to these various colleges is to assist those who may need assistance on the KUCCPS online application system procedure:

Nairobi Region
  • ·         Placement Services Headquarters at ACK Gardens, Community behind Ardhi House
  • ·         Dedan Kimathi University of Science and Technology
Rift Valley Region
  • ·         Egerton University, Nakuru Town Campus
  • ·         Chuka University
  • ·         Rift Valley Technical Training Institute

Nyanza Region
  • ·         Maseno University, Town Campus
  • ·         Gusii Institute of Technology
Coast Region
  • ·         Wote Technical Training Institute
  • ·         Technical University of Mombasa
  • ·         Coast Institute of Technology
Western Region
  • ·         Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
  • ·         Bumbe Technical Training Institute.

 For further KUCCPS admission enquiry; the following numbers can be contacted: 0723954927, 0734879662 or email

 I believe this information I have put together will help you obtain a successful placement with KUCCPS…best of luck and should you encounter any problem with application, hit me back in the comment box below and I am always available to help you through with your application

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Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Check 2014 KCSE Results Online or Via Text--Simple Steps You Need To Know

 KNEC Kenya: Kenya Certificate of Secondary   Education (KCSE) has released the final results yesterday  morning at 9: 00AM. Students who had sat for that exams have been in suspense and tension pertaining to receiving their final KCSE results. This assessment for some years of secondary education was carried out in calendar month of November right before the the December holiday season. Usually each year the  KCSE results will probably be released in the month of March.

According to Prof.Jacob Kaimeny, the Cabinet Secretary for Ministry of Education. Students sat for 74 papers in 31 subjects in 8, 211 KNEC (Kenya National Examination Council) assessment centres, offered by 828 distribution points. Altogether 485, 547 learners who sat for that Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education(KCSE) Exam.

How to check the results
KNEC has provided two alternatives of checking the results. One will is by text system while the other one is by checking directly from the KNEC Website. Unfortunately, currently only the text system works

What you need
  1. Index number for the candidate who had sat for the 2014 KCSE exams
  2. An active phone number with enough credit ( You will be charged ksh20 for each query made therefore I advise send only once and patiently wait for upto 4 hours as the KNEC system may be jammed atimes)

How to check the 2014 KCSE results
Short message code (22252)
  • Ensure you have enough credit on your mobile phone account
  • Construct a text as follows "XXXXXXXXXX" and send to the short code "22252" without the quotes where the "XXXXXXXXXX" is the candidate's index number.
  • Wait for the response via text.

KCSE Results via the KNEC online portal
  • Ensure you have a working data plan and access to the internet
    • Visit the official website as well as open the particular direct web page link given below.
    • Select the season of the KCSE examination.
    • Next  enter the Index number for the 2014 KCSE candidate.
    • Click on Submit button.
    • The results will be displayed
Let me know if this works for you...incase you encounter trouble always indulge me
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