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Friday, 16 February 2018

KPLC Prepaid Token: 5 Hassle-Free Ways To Buy Prepaid Token Today [#1 Has No Delay]

Here's the truth about KPLC prepaid token:
The Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) prepaid meters are the best thing since sliced bread…KPLC prepaid token have diminished the flaws of energy wastage, improved efficiency and accuracy of bill payments. 

Long gone are the days of waiting anxiously in long queues for bill payment.
And IT GETS WORSE  when your meter has been disconnected due to late payments.

However, the influx of mobile phones and increased access to these valuable devices have made the purchase KPLC prepaid token a painless process. 

AND it gets better...
Now with a mobile phone one can buy KPLC token at the comfort of his/her sofa. One CHALLENGE though sometimes delays are experienced which can lead to unnecessary inconveniences.  

So yesternight SOMETHING HAPPENED...
In my ka bedsitter am used to spending 3.5units of power for 3months.  I had changed to a new light bulb as the previous one got blown off.  Every other factor held constant; charging same phone and laptop, I convinced myself that the remaining units will be enough to drive me till end month.

And it happened that my power units ran out around midnight. I was SCREWED  up!! 
Even though I had both the KPLC MPESA paybill number and meter number both of which were at my finger tips like my birth date, purchasing and going out to my prepaid meter wasn't a good option.  I had to postpone everything till morning.

I woke up at 6am ready to complete the token purchase and to load it.  That was easy, so I thought...
Went to my Safaricom Mpesa Menu>>Lipa na Mpesa>>Pay bill>>Enter Business no.88880>>Accoungt no. (My meter no)>>Enter Amount.ksh450>>Enter Mpesa pin:xxxx>>ok confirmed. The MPESA message I got scared me dead. It read in part.."Failed. The format of meter number entered is incorrect". After several trying the same method, I only got the same message. 

This is crazy:
I googled all the steps and all brought me to something am familiar with.  Same procedure, same expected outcome.  But only one thing was an issue; getting an error message. So I called KPLC customer care number 0732170170 which after waiting on the call for about 10 minutes went through and she explained to me something that I am about to share with you below;

And I am darn sure that this is not anywhere in the web.  If you have tried purchasing KPLC prepaid tokens and experienced token delay, then this piece has been put up together for you.  

 Want to know the best part?
 In this post, I have put together step by step 5 hassle-free ways to purchase kplc prepaid token.  Something you won't find anywhere in the internet.

And here's the KICKER;
#1 Method ensures you get prepaid token without stick around and enjoy this read.

Lets dive right in,
Go To Next Page.
How To Purchase KPLC Prepaid Token via Your Mobile Phone
Use these hassle-free ways to buy KPLC token at the comfort of your house.

#1 Buying KPLC prepaid units via your Safaricom Mobile Phone

  1. Go to Safaricom SIM Tool Kit, select M-PESA menu, select “Lipa na M-PESA
  2. Select “Pay Bill
  3. Select “Enter Business no.“, Enter KPLC’s Lipa na M-PESA PayBill Number 501200 and press “OK”
  4. Select “Enter Account no.“, Enter your KPLC Prepaid Meter Number (e.g. 124 xxxx xxxx)-usually a 11-digit number found on your prepaid meter, then press “OK”
  5. Enter Amount“, between KSh50 and 35,000 and press “OK”
  6. Enter your M-PESA PIN and press “OK”
  7. Confirm all the details are correct and press “OK”
  8. M-PESA HAKIKISHA, You will get a notification with the intended recipient’s name e.g. “Pay VendIT LTD KSh1,000.00 for Account 124 xxx xxxx Press any letter within 20 seconds to STOP this transaction.” To stop a wrong transaction, Enter “1” and press Send within 20 seconds. Pressing “Cancel” will complete the transaction.
  9. You will receive a confirmation SMS from M-PESA.
  10. VendIT will then generate prepaid token valid for your meter and send via SMS.
As you may realize from above step 3, the usual KPLC mpesa paybill number 88880 has now been replaced with 501200- paybill number which belongs to Vendit LTDHowever whenever you encounter this don't hesitate to continue with the transaction. With the current encountered delays with the older paybill, you will be able to overcome that by using this new paybill 501200  and receive your prepaid token within few seconds.

#2   Buying KPLC Prepaid Tokens via Airtel Money
 Should you have Airtel Money instead with enough amount of money, then the following process will be ideal;

  1. Go to Airtel Money, select “Make Payments
  2. Select “PayBill
  3. Select “Kenya Power Bill” for postpaid or “Kenya Power Prepaid” to buy prepaid tokens.
  4. Enter amount you wish to pay.
  5. Enter your Airtel Money PIN.
  6. In the reference option, “Enter account no” i.e. meter number or account number and confirm that all details are correct.
  7. You will receive an Airtel Money confirmation of the transaction via SMS.
  8. Kenya Power will then generate a prepaid token for your meter and send it to you via SMS.
#3   How To Buy Prepaid KPLC Token from your Equitel line
Equity bank allows you to access your account via an Equitel line.  If you're banking with Equity bank and you already registered with equitel, then here's how you can purchase prepaid token without stress
  1.  Select Eazzy Pay from your Equitel menu
  2.  Select Pay Bill from Eazzy Pay.
  3. Choose the bank account number to pay from e.g.0123456789102
  4. Select business number - KPLC Tokens
  5. Enter your KPLC Prepaid Meter Number (e.g. 37168917674) press OK
  6. Enter the amount you wish to pay which should be between Shs. 100 and  Shs.500,000.
  7. Enter your Equitel PIN and press OK
  8. Confirm that all details are correct by pressing 1 OK
  9. You will receive a  text confirmation of the transaction from Equity bank.
  10. KPLC will then generate prepaid token valid for your meter and send via SMS.
#4  How To Purchase KPLC Prepaid Token via Pesapal

Pesapal helps you make or receive secure payments for goods or services from your mobile money, bank,visa or mastercard. The best part is that with any purchase or payment below ksh100 with mpesa paybill, no transaction charges are incurred.

Suppose you have internet access and you want to buy KPLC prepaid tokens online either from your bank,visa card, mastercard,pesapal wallet or mobile money, then you can take advantage of this efficient method.  The good thing is that it's secure and quicker.  you get to receive your kplc prepaid token via text message and email address.

And you might be wondering this could be a tedious process;
It's definitely NOT. It's a 3 Step process.   I have used pesapal a dozen of times to buy airtime across networks from my mpesa and it never disappoints.

So lets jump right in;

how to purchase kplc prepaid token online

  • Then select whether you want to proceed with prepaid/postpaid purchase.  In this case I picked prepaid
  • Fill in other details; name, email,phone number, amount and then meter number as shown in the above image
  • Now click on proceed to pay to get to the next window

  •  Now click ok to confirm
  • Complete the payment by selecting between Visa,mastercard, mpesa, airtel money or your bank account.
  • Now follow the normal steps to pay via mpesa paybill number. Select Mpesa Menu>>Lipa na Mpesa>>Pay Bill No:(enter 220220)>>ok>>Account no.(Leave blank)>>Amount:500(enter the amount you entered into first window)>>enter pin>>OK>>Hakikisha then proceed
  • Now go to your text messages and get the mpesa confirmation for the transaction and enter it the space shown in the below image.  Enter the mpesa mobile number you used for the payment in the space shown just above the confirmation message
    kplc prepaid token pesapal
    • To proceed, click Complete.  Within few minutes, your token will be sent to your mobile number you entered in the details page.  The same will be mailed to you.
    • Now you can enter the send token to your prepaid meter.

    #5  How to Buy KPLC prepaid Token Via Safaricom Mpesa Paybill Number (888880)-an alternative method

    This is the usual method of purchasing prepaid electricity tokens in Kenya via your Safaricom line. However, if your experience delays with token delivery, then revert to the #1 method above.

    1. Go to Safaricom SIM Tool Kit, select M-PESA menu, select “Lipa na M-PESA
    2. Select “Pay Bill
    3. Select “Enter Business no.“, Enter KPLC’s Lipa na M-PESA PayBill Number 888880 and press “OK”
    4. Select “Enter Account no.“, Enter your KPLC Prepaid Meter Number (e.g. 1421 xxxx xxx) press “OK”
    5. Enter Amount“, between KSh100 and 35,000 and press “OK”
    6. Enter your M-PESA PIN and press “OK”
    7. Confirm all the details are correct and press “OK”
    8. M-PESA HAKIKISHA, You will get a notification with the intended recipient’s name e.g. “Pay Kenya Power KSh1,000.00 for Account 1421 xxxx xxx Press 1 within 20 seconds to STOP this transaction.” To stop a wrong transaction, Enter “1” and press Send within 20 seconds. Pressing “Cancel” will complete the transaction.
    9. You will receive a confirmation SMS from M-PESA.
    10. KPLC will then generate prepaid token valid for your meter and send via SMS.

     Hope this guide helps you with purchasing kplc prepaid token without delays.  Did you encounter any problem with any of the 5 methods? If yes, which one?  Is there a method you prefer? Leave your answers to any of the above questions in the below comment box.

    Or you might as well have a question....?
    I hope you enjoyed and it might help someone by sharing this piece..cheers

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